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Matchmaking questionnaire - Detailed questionnaire for your site members

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
1 of 5 (Votes: 1) 0 reviews

$1,200.00 $1,380.00
Add a detailed questionnaire to your website to better match people together

Use this sophisticated registration questionnaire to:
- match your site members faster and more effectively
- dramatically improve the quality of user profiles
- increase user engagement

As an administrator of the dating site, you`re undertaking a responsibility to create a space where your site members can meet their matches. So, why not advance this aspect? You can create a questionnaire with different reply options (select an answer or rate the statement) to make sure your users fill in all the necessary details seamlessly and describe their perfect partner so that the system could do the rest and serve them well. It`s entertaining, and it gives a sense of commitment to your future customers, gluing them to your site!

Most dating websites nowadays offer advanced search features that allow you to filter other members by criteria such as age, religious beliefs or activities. But these sites don’t let you sift members by more specific and often vague qualities, like temperament, that are important in determining true compatibility.

Allow your users to fill all the necessary info right away and not lose any time before meeting their perfect match!

