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Dating Platform Chat Operator — Prevent users from leaving at the start of your business

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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From $1,000.00 $1,200.00

Chat operator for dating sites​:

  • They communicate using fake profiles. Fake chat operators are indistinguishable from other real members.
  • They keep your customers from leaving your platform. Because they receive replies and likes from seemingly real people.
  • They teach and assist real members in filling out their profile fields.
  • They warm up visitors to purchase services and premium packages on your site and apps.


Usually there are 2 reasons dating platform loses customers:

  • Most of your members complete their profile by less than 25%. Such profiles don't generate enough likes and messages, unless the user is a photo model. And without receiving likes and messages, such users leave and they would be unwilling to try more online dating in the future.
  • When you start your dating service — you don't have an established base of "live" users. So there is no one to like, chat and meet your first clients.


These types of people will leave your dating platform:

  • People who did not fill out their profiles.
  • People who have not received enough attention because your site or app has not reached a critical number of active live users to get everyone likes, matches and messages.



And the solution that we offer has:
*these features can be deactivated once you no longer need them.

  • Fake user database specifically for your niche. The site and apps will not look empty for your first visitors.
    You can find a big variety of such databases in our marketplace.
  • Chat bots. This feature is optional but works pretty well with Chat Operators add-on:
    • Bots visit users' profiles;
    • Bots like their photos or other content;
    • Bots send messages;
    • Bots can add users to favorites.
    You can find Chat bots in our marketplace.
  • Chat operators. These are trained employees under fake profiles that communicate and keep your real members on your site and apps.



The Chat operators add-on allows you to:

  • prevent your first visitors from leaving, as they receive replies to their attempts to find a person to chat with;
  • increase the number of sent messages, as it becomes easier to chat with someone on your platform;
  • communicate through fake profiles with your first proper site and app users;
  • warm up your members for paid services and premium packages, turning them into your customers.



With this module, you can either use your own chat operators, or try our trained specialists.
The price for 1 of our chat operator:

  • Selecting and training 1 operator chat costs $700. The selection timeframe is 2-4 weeks.
  • Deposit for 1 month (~160 hours) of work per 1 chat operator is $900 per month. If the monthly message count is below 2,500, you pay 30 cents per message.



Chatbot or chat operators help you with:

  • advising members to fill out their profile fields to increase the chance of getting likes and messages from other real people;
  • sending genuine messages that regular chatbots cannot recreate;
  • keeping your users interested in your service. They chat with real people to prevent them from leaving.



Examples of such chats:





  • The chat operator's profile looks the same as the real person's profile. No one could spot the difference.
  • There's no scam involved. They pay chat operators for the number of messages.
  • Chat operators work in dating niche. So they are familiar with how they should chat and evade real meetings until you have enough real people so they could match and chat among themselves.


How Chat operators add-on works:
The dating site operator logs into the admin panel and can access the message queue or select the operator whose chats they want to attend to (depends on the setup). Then, the operator replies to messages.

  • You, as an administrator, will have a separate panel for operators (can be installed on a separate domain).
  • You create an appealing fake profile.
  • Real users send messages to fake profiles. The operator will be able to hold several conversations almost at the same time by switching between different conversations.

    A short bio on every site member will be available, as well as the conversation history.
  • Chat will include dialogs with new and unanswered messages.
  • Chats are distributed between online operators approximately equally, and the operator who answered last in this dialogue has priority.
  • The operator can answer in the dialogue with only one message, then this dialogue is closed and the next one opens, if there are any in the queue.
  • The admin panel has a setting for the minimal number of characters for the message that the operator sends.



We are ready to make any additional modifications for you, just let us know. We can add:

  • Statistics of operators;
  • Different ways to reactivate chat (mass pokes, teasers, etc.);
  • Connecting to one operator panel a bunch of sites via API;
  • Night theme for the operator panel;
  • Sending receiving in chat wink, kisses;



Why this add-on will work?
They use this feature in Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid and other dating platforms.


How much does it cost?
We made the Dating Platform Chat Operators feature available to small dating businesses.
The price starts from $1200. You can request a quote for only a part of for all the features suitable for your niche.


Pilot launch - unlimited use.
What's included:

  • More paid subscriptions
  • Better conversion to first messages and then to matches
  • Connecting to one operator panel a bunch of sites via API;
  • Additional settings in your admin panel
  • Customer segmentation
  • Your users statistics
  • Automated interactions with the clients



You will receive a full refund if we do not deliver the add-on within the time frame specified in the contract.


Sign up for a free demo
We'll show you the demo in any format (Telegram, Zoom, Google meet) and it will take only 10-15 minutes:

  • You'll see how the feature works.
  • We'll discuss how you can use this add-on for different niches.



    Where can I get trained operators for the chat operator software? They are available in the SLA 3 plan.


    Ask your questions in the chat, on the phone, and book for a demo. 

