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Your iOS dating app available in the App Store. Mobile app submission guarantee.

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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$1,400.00 $1,800.00


A number of steps are required to prepare a dating app and submit it to the App Store. This is a comprehensive overview of the procedure for iOS apps.

Apple's App Store has stricter rules that we need to follow, thus there are more design and code changes required for your app to be published in App Store.  


We take care of both the technical part:

- creating a release build/APK file for you when you purchase the apps from us;

- where applicable, we also connect your app to Firebase, Google Analytics and Google Maps, Facebook login, and Google login, and this is what we need your credentials for these services for.


And the store listing part:

- You can choose to add your app files along with the text descriptions and screenshots to the App Store on your own, or we can do it for you.


This is what this app submission service is about:

1. editing the standard app code elements and layout to make the app look different from other dating apps. If the app looks and works 100% as some other dating app, the Store may not publish it;
2. replacing the standard logotype, updating the main screen illustration, launcher icons, and launch screen;
3. creating screenshots of the app to use as illustrations;
4. creating a text copy to describe your app in a way that showcases its values and relevance;
5. collecting the info together and submitting it for approval;
6. repeating the process until your mobile dating apps are available for download from the official app stores.



1. The Premium package of the PG Dating Pro solution includes up to three free submissions to each store. 

2. It is important that your applications meet the standards and guidelines of respective stores. Please take a look at the Google Play Store Developer Policy and the App Store Review Guidelines.

3. We will continue the publication attempts within 30 days period. If the apps are still not published after 30 days, we will return you the cost of this service.

