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Scam protection — protect your site and your users from dating scam

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
1 of 5 (Votes: 1) 0 reviews

$199.00 $228.85
Protect your site and your users from dating scam

⇒ Be alert and protect yourself from being scammed
⇒ Power of the AI combined with an analytic system built in Dating Pro
⇒ Solve one of the tricky problems of all dating sites


Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels. Unfortunately, only a small part of users of dating sites are familiar with the basic rules for protecting themselves from scam. Therefore, our team offers to create a protection against scam for you.


We will create additional checks for your site in profiles, site forms and correspondence to protect your users and identify scammers.

Here are some warning signs that online flame could be a scammer:

- using VPN or proxy to hide their location or IP

- ending several identical messages

- asking for money

- extortion


Our add-on will allow you to effectively find violators on the digital trail.

As an admin, you can also put an information for your users that it is important to be skeptical about all extremely generous offers or suspicious requests.

