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Date ideas - Help site members plan a perfect date

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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  • Add feature to your website: $500
  • Add feature to your apps: $3400

Date ideas feature is meant to make it easier to plan for a date by helping people agree on what to do and where to go

Date ideas is a great tool to:
-help people plan a date together
-make it easier for them to take their relationship to the real life

Date ideas feature is meant to make it easier to plan for a date by helping people agree on what to do and where to go.

This is how it works: the two people select which type of activity they are most into right now, and then they swipe right or left for the options within this category.

A match means that both partners want to go to the same place or engage in the same activity. From this point on, what is left to do is make a reservation or book tickets.

You as the site owner and administrator will be able to post content from the partner establishments (restaurants, movie theatres, etc.) and integrate the reservation system into your site. Please note that integrating a reservation system is not included here because reservation systems are very different and require prior estimation.


This is how it may work on your dating apps: 






This is what the main screen may look like, prompting people to select a type of activity:

Then they view the list of options within the category and swipe right or left in a Tinder-like fashion.

If both swipe right for the same option, for example, a restaurant, they receive an immediate notification and can book a table.


We invite you to post your own feature ideas in the Dating Pro Marketplace and have them voted for. If your add-on sees the light of day, you will receive it for free. Send us your ideas in chat or by email: sales(at), we`ll be glad to hear from you!

