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Special photo gallery - Attract new registrations with a photo gallery on your landing page

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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$320.00 $368.00
Photo gallery for the landing page of your dating site

Using this module will:
- help you attract more site visitors and convert them to site members by displaying your site users pictures
- make your website more unique looking and more attractable to visit


The special photo gallery feature is about displaying people`s photos in the background of your landing page. This should incentivize the site visitors to sign up on your site.The gallery will show more photos in the mouseover event. That is, when a person moves the cursor above a photo it will slide away to reveal what`s underneath it, showing another user`s photo.

Check what the feature looks like on the website:

We intend to give you the choice between uploading your own photos and selecting users whose avatars you`ll be displaying. Alternatively, the system could be picking photos of approved users and update the selection automatically and regularly.

This is how we suppose the manual selection will work in the administration control panel:


We invite you to post your own feature ideas in the Dating Pro Marketplace and have them voted for. If your add-on sees the light of day, you will receive it for free. Send us your ideas in chat or by email: sales(at), we`ll be glad to hear from you!

