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by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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Introducing DidYouMet, the premier online dating platform for finding new love and friends. With an array of notable features, our platform is designed to make it easy for users to find their soulmate:

  • One of our standout features is the ability for admin to manipulate users' online status, ensuring that there is always someone online and ready to connect. 

  • Additionally, we have a native Android app published on Google Play for on-the-go dating. 

  • Our virtual gifts feature allows users to send each other virtual gifts for a small fee, adding an extra layer of engagement to the dating experience.

  • And our Tinder-like swiping feature gives users the ability to quickly and easily find potential matches.

  • In addition, we offer convenient login options through Facebook, Twitter and Google, and the platform is based in the United States. We monetize through subscriptions, making it easy for users to access all of our features.

Since our launch on 01/11/2023, we have already attracted almost 200 users and are seeing steady growth. Our subscription-based model is already generating an annual revenue of $15,000 and net profit of $9,500.

As the future owner, there are many opportunities to improve and grow this business. One potential strategy could be to invest in a new design and increase efforts to convert free users to paid subscribers. We are also excited to offer post-sale support and provide Google Analytics reports to show our site traffic and audience overview.

We also have a social media following of 100 followers across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. With these elements in place, DidYouMet is an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to enter the online dating market. The Asking price for this business is $10,000.

