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Prototype of turning selfies into professional portraits using artificial intelligence

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
1 of 5 (Votes: 1) 0 reviews

$99.00 $2,760.00

⇒ Increase the number of active, engaged users and the attractiveness of your platform.


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How it works:

 We want automatic conversion of users' photos to make it easier to create high-quality portraits and make their profiles more attractive without wasting energy. 


User Experience


Providing the ability to easily enhance selfies to the level of professional portraits directly on the platform greatly simplifies the process of creating and updating profiles. This improves the overall user experience, making the platform more accessible and appealing to a wide range of people, including those who may feel insecure about their photos.


Increased user engagement
Having a unique tool sets the platform apart from other dating services, attracting more new users and encouraging retention of existing users. In addition, the ability to experiment with different styles and portrait options can significantly increase the time users spend on the platform, encouraging more activity and engagement. 


Customize profiles
Provide users with advanced tools to personalize their portraits, allowing them to not only enhance image quality but also express their uniqueness through a variety of processing styles. This helps create a deeper and more versatile self-presentation on the platform, reinforcing a sense of individuality and self-expression among users. This approach not only improves the mutual perception of participants, making communication more interesting and emotionally rich, but also contributes to a more accurate selection of potential partners based on visual compatibility and personal preferences.


Using a professional portrait tool directly in the app minimizes the risk of using irrelevant or alien photos, which is a frequent problem on dating platforms. Improved photo quality and relevance contribute to a more transparent and trusting atmosphere on the platform, reducing the likelihood of deception and increasing users' overall satisfaction with the interaction. This, in turn, can reduce the number of negative reviews and complaints, reinforcing the platform's reputation as a safe and reliable service for finding dating and creating meaningful relationships.


The final cost includes the integration and monthly payment based on the volume of processed content: texts and images.


To get the full price, contact us.


Why will this addition work?

It combines advanced AI technology to enhance visual content with the growing user demand for high-quality and attractive images on social media and dating platforms.


How much does it cost? 
We made the AI moderation feature available to small dating businesses.
The price starts from $99. You can request a quote for only a part of for all of the features suitable for your niche.


Pilot run - unlimited use.
What's included:

  • More paid subscriptions
  • Better conversion to first posts and then to matches
  • More customization in your admin panel
  • Paid Besedo integration
  • Customer segmentation
  • Statistics on your users
  • Automated customer interaction


You will receive a full refund if we do not deliver the add-on within the time frame specified in the contract.



