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Canva button integration – Create design without efforts

by Dating Pro Experts. Hire a Professional.
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$99.00 $480.00
Embed a design tool on your website. Let your site members create amazing designs

⇒ Let your site members design
⇒ Design what you need without any efforts
⇒ The most useful tool to create beautiful images


With the Canva Design Button, your site members can easily create beautiful designs directly on your dating site without having to go to the service site. After our integration, the button for creating designs will appear in the user panel.


To create an amazing drawing, the user needs to choose the required format and voila – (s)he can be creative! Greeting cards, presentation graphics, banners, and more. Canvas allows to create designs from anywhere and from any device.


The service offers a large number of paid and free sharps, layouts, text fonts, backgrounds.

With the help of the canvas, your users will be able to create truly original and beautiful images as quickly as possible and without any knowledge of Photoshop and other editors.


Learn more about the Canva Button.

